At some point last year, I jumped into unit testing with the help of the pointblank package. Since then, I have improved my ability to work with the testthat package.
However, I could not get a good grasp of unit tests for a shiny application. I was reading the Mastering Shiny Book and still could not grasp it. I did find this article that got me going. The exercise of running the script below and playing with the application and tests helped me understand the testing process for Shiny Applications.
I was able to implement a couple of simple automated tests in my own shiny applications. The only roadblock I ran into is that I had not exported my modules and the testing engine could not find the server I was testing.
I start with simple tests and work towards more complexity. My favorite basic tests is to count the number of columns. Here is the form:
testServer(mod_home_server, {
expect_equal(ncol(sites()), 4)
testServer(mod_home_server, {
expect_equal(colnames(program()), c("time", "site", "grant", "id_code"))