The year 2022 was a tough both professionally and personally. At times, they have blurred together. I feel like I am just drifting from issue to issue without any focus or strategy behind my actions. I feel a bit hopeless and lost.
In late June of 2022, I had an operating system crash and had to restore systems and pick back up. I lost momentum with a writing streak I had and it feels like I have stayed in survival mode since that time.
I have tinkered with changing strategies to learn SQL and Postgress. There is a good course here.
To stay afloat at my day job; I have been learning Google App Script. It has been fun to pick up on some JavaScript methods. It also great that one can run some SQL in a Google Sheet. A great follow on YouTube to learn more about Google Sheets Query Function
To begin again is the key and play the game you wish to play. Here is an article from the Verge. Maybe personal blogging will catch on again; I just don’t think so.
I think I need to write for myself and be hopeful someone may find it useful. The more I try to make it perfect the less likely it will ship.
My Blog
I made some changes and stole some theme settings; still can’t get a footer working but alas.
Hopefully you hear from me soon.
The end.