#Load the library
I signed up for a workshop on working with the mapboxer package and wanted to ensure I got it installed on my computer and play with it prior to the workshop.
This blog post is following the guide for the package
The guide uses a pre established data set. Lets take a peak at the data set.
date time lng lat injured killed
1 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.99842 40.68986 0 0
2 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.88852 40.67298 0 0
3 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.88636 40.63082 0 0
4 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.97634 40.64773 1 0
5 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.88390 40.83948 1 0
6 2020-09-24 0:00 -73.82484 40.78214 1 0
Number of People Injured
# Create a source
motor_vehicle_collisions_nyc ::mutate(color = ifelse(injured > 0, "red", "yellow")) %>%
dplyras_mapbox_source(lng = "lng", lat = "lat") %>%
# Setup a map with the default source above
center = c(-73.9165, 40.7114),
zoom = 10
) # Add a navigation control
add_navigation_control() %>%
# Add a layer styling the data of the default source
circle_color = c("get", "color"),
circle_radius = 3,
# Use a mustache template to add popups to the layer
popup = "Number of persons injured: {{injured}}"
Number of People Killed
style = basemaps$Carto$dark_matter,
center = c(-73.9165, 40.7114),
zoom = 9,
minZoom = 8
motor_vehicle_collisions_nyc ::filter(killed > 0) %>%
dplyras_mapbox_source() %>%
center = c(-73.9165, 40.7114),
zoom = 9
) add_circle_layer(circle_color = "red",
# Use a mustache template to add popups to the layer
popup = "Number of persons killed: {{killed}}"
The add circle layer part of the code is different from typical R code. The concept is explained in the Experssions part of the guide.
<- c("get", "<data-property>") expr_get_property
Overall this looks like a fantastic mapping package.