website: "myblog"
title-url: https://www.myblogexample.io
site: "A great sample blog"
right- icon: rss
: index.xml href
I use newsboat and Feeder as RSS services and wanted to add this blog. I determined I needed to touch up the settins my website to accomplish this task.
Guidance could be found here at the Quarto Website
I needed to add this to my quarto yaml.
- Please note I needed to reference blog.xml rather than index.xml
Below needed to be added to main index.qmd file.
: "myblog"
listing: posts
contents: "date desc"
sort: default
type: true
categories: true
I have been using Positron and noticed it is a bit different workflow and its confusing because after a preview I can push new content. I noticed my feed was not being created. I went back to Rstudio to rebuild the site. After, I rebuilt in Rstudio my feed was created and I could subscribe to my own content.