By saved, I mean being able to revert back a survey saved me countless hours as I could have lost around 96 points of display logic. One night this week, I was adding another display logic point and Qualtrics was acting funny and by funny I mean determining that all my previous display logic was no longer valid.
I thought this cant’ be serious and when I previewed my survey; I knew the situation was dire. Thankfully, I recalled Qualtrics has Version history and I was able to revert my survey to a point where all the display logic was working correctly.
Here the general steps to revert a survey back to a working version.
1). While in Survey Builder
2). Go to Tools
3). Select Versions
4.) Find the point where the survey was how you need it.
Once I reverted the survey back to an acceptable state, I added the new display logic. I am now very thankful for the survey version feature.