Using a bash script with Postgres database.
Make it executable
chomd +x <filename>
At the top of the file add a shebang
Read Data from CSV File
The script below reads the csv file and reads
cat courses.csv | while IFS="," read MAJOR COURSE
echo $MAJOR
Connect to Database
PSQL="psql -X --username=freecodecamp --dbname=students --no-align --tuples-only -c"
Database Variable
MAJOR_ID=$($PSQL "<query_here>")
MAJOR_ID=$($PSQL "SELECT major_id FROM majors WHERE major='$MAJOR'")
Code Planning
I liked this approach of using comments as a place holder for what to do next.
# get major_id
# if not found
# insert major
# get new major_id
# get course_id
# if not found
# insert course
# get new course_id
# insert into majors_courses