




── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.3.6     ✔ purrr   0.3.4
✔ tibble  3.1.8     ✔ dplyr   1.0.9
✔ tidyr   1.2.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
✔ readr   2.1.2     ✔ forcats 0.5.1
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Attaching package: 'janitor'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    chisq.test, fisher.test
Google's Terms of Service:
Please cite ggmap if you use it! See citation("ggmap") for details.
here() starts at /home/kgilds/kevinsblogIII


My issue list includes a task to map the Fl Absences data set.

Get the Data

url <- '' #location of data on the internet

#httr::GET(url, write_disk(absences <- tempfile(fileext = ".xls"))) #obtain the spreadsheet file from the internet

Read the data

absences_2 <- readxl::read_excel(
here("posts", "maps", "absences.xlsx"),
     skip =2) #read the spreadsheet file and skip the first two rows

absences_2 <- janitor::clean_names(absences_2) #Change column names with the Janitor.

absences_2 <- dplyr::rename(absences_2, "absent_21_plus" = "absent_21_days_or_over") #Change name again to shorten

absences_2 <- dplyr::select(absences_2, 2, 4:5) #select columsn of interest

Clean and Convert the data

#absences_2$enrollments <- as.numeric(absences_2$enrollments) #Change data to numeric format
absences_2$absent_21_plus <- as.numeric(absences_2$absent_21_plus) #change data to numeric format

Make my own percents

#absences_2 <- dplyr::mutate(absences_2, percent = absent_21_plus / enrollments) 

#calculate percent 
absences_2 <- dplyr::mutate(absences_2, percent = percent_absent_21_or_more_days *100) #Convert from decimal 

Summary Stats for plotting

absent_21 <- absences_2 %>%
  group_by(district_name) %>%
  summarise(mean = mean(percent, na.rm = TRUE))

absent_21$mean <- round(absent_21$mean, 2)

# A tibble: 75 × 2
   district_name  mean
   <chr>         <dbl>
 1 ALACHUA       13.9 
 2 BAKER         21.0 
 3 BAY           12.7 
 4 BRADFORD      18.6 
 5 BREVARD        6.62
 6 BROWARD        8.71
 7 CALHOUN       20.9 
 8 CHARLOTTE      7.58
 9 CITRUS        11.0 
10 CLAY           9.78
# … with 65 more rows


Get Florida Map

states <- map_data("state")
fl_df <- subset(states, region == "florida")

This chunks sets up how to overlay county boundaries over the Florida map.

counties <- map_data("county")
fl_county <- subset(counties, region == "florida")

This will us a map of Florida

fl_base <- ggplot(data = fl_df, mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 
  coord_fixed(1.3) + 
  geom_polygon(color = "black", fill = "gray")
fl_base + theme_nothing()

fl_base + theme_nothing() + 
  geom_polygon(data = fl_county, fill = NA, color = "white") +
  geom_polygon(color = "black", fill = NA)  # get the state border back on top

Back to the educational set

School districts in Florida pretty much align with Florida Counties. However, there is nuance between the map data and the school district data.

This chunk renames the district_name to match the name in the map data and matches the case.

absent_21_c <- absent_21 %>%
  rename("subregion" = "district_name") #match name with map data in preperation of joining. 

absent_21_c$subregion <- tolower(absent_21_c$subregion) #make lowercase

# A tibble: 75 × 2
   subregion  mean
   <chr>     <dbl>
 1 alachua   13.9 
 2 baker     21.0 
 3 bay       12.7 
 4 bradford  18.6 
 5 brevard    6.62
 6 broward    8.71
 7 calhoun   20.9 
 8 charlotte  7.58
 9 citrus    11.0 
10 clay       9.78
# … with 65 more rows

Use the anti-join to determine issues with merging

non_match <- anti_join(fl_county, absent_21_c, by = "subregion")

         long      lat group order  region  subregion
1   -80.89018 25.79456   302 12629 florida miami-dade
2   -80.89018 25.97218   302 12630 florida miami-dade
3   -80.69538 25.96645   302 12631 florida miami-dade
4   -80.68965 25.94926   302 12632 florida miami-dade
5   -80.30003 25.94926   302 12633 florida miami-dade
6   -80.30003 25.96072   302 12634 florida miami-dade
7   -80.13387 25.96072   302 12635 florida miami-dade
8   -80.13961 25.90342   302 12636 florida miami-dade
9   -80.12814 25.85186   302 12637 florida miami-dade
10  -80.12814 25.81748   302 12638 florida miami-dade
11  -80.12814 25.79456   302 12639 florida miami-dade
12  -80.13387 25.78310   302 12640 florida miami-dade
13  -80.14534 25.77737   302 12641 florida miami-dade
14  -80.16252 25.78310   302 12642 florida miami-dade
15  -80.16825 25.80029   302 12643 florida miami-dade
16  -80.16825 25.82321   302 12644 florida miami-dade
17  -80.16252 25.85759   302 12645 florida miami-dade
18  -80.17398 25.85759   302 12646 florida miami-dade
19  -80.18545 25.85186   302 12647 florida miami-dade
20  -80.19691 25.83467   302 12648 florida miami-dade
21  -80.20263 25.78883   302 12649 florida miami-dade
22  -80.20836 25.75445   302 12650 florida miami-dade
23  -80.21982 25.73726   302 12651 florida miami-dade
24  -80.25420 25.72008   302 12652 florida miami-dade
25  -80.26566 25.69716   302 12653 florida miami-dade
26  -80.27712 25.63986   302 12654 florida miami-dade
27  -80.30003 25.62840   302 12655 florida miami-dade
28  -80.31149 25.61694   302 12656 florida miami-dade
29  -80.32296 25.59975   302 12657 florida miami-dade
30  -80.32296 25.56538   302 12658 florida miami-dade
31  -80.32296 25.54819   302 12659 florida miami-dade
32  -80.33441 25.52527   302 12660 florida miami-dade
33  -80.35160 25.49662   302 12661 florida miami-dade
34  -80.35733 25.46225   302 12662 florida miami-dade
35  -80.34587 25.42214   302 12663 florida miami-dade
36  -80.32868 25.39349   302 12664 florida miami-dade
37  -80.32868 25.37057   302 12665 florida miami-dade
38  -80.33441 25.35338   302 12666 florida miami-dade
39  -80.38598 25.33046   302 12667 florida miami-dade
40  -80.39171 25.30182   302 12668 florida miami-dade
41  -80.40317 25.29036   302 12669 florida miami-dade
42  -80.42609 25.27317   302 12670 florida miami-dade
43  -80.43755 25.23879   302 12671 florida miami-dade
44  -80.44328 25.22160   302 12672 florida miami-dade
45  -80.47192 25.23306   302 12673 florida miami-dade
46  -80.48911 25.22733   302 12674 florida miami-dade
47  -80.50057 25.20441   302 12675 florida miami-dade
48  -80.51776 25.20441   302 12676 florida miami-dade
49  -80.55787 25.23306   302 12677 florida miami-dade
50  -80.58651 25.23879   302 12678 florida miami-dade
51  -80.59798 25.23306   302 12679 florida miami-dade
52  -80.59225 25.20441   302 12680 florida miami-dade
53  -80.60944 25.19296   302 12681 florida miami-dade
54  -80.63235 25.19296   302 12682 florida miami-dade
55  -80.67818 25.18150   302 12683 florida miami-dade
56  -80.71256 25.15858   302 12684 florida miami-dade
57  -80.79278 25.15858   302 12685 florida miami-dade
58  -80.82716 25.17576   302 12686 florida miami-dade
59  -80.85007 25.18150   302 12687 florida miami-dade
60  -80.89591 25.18150   302 12688 florida miami-dade
61  -80.89018 25.79456   302 12689 florida miami-dade
62  -81.56627 27.03215   303 12691 florida    de soto
63  -82.05329 27.03215   303 12692 florida    de soto
64  -82.05329 27.10090   303 12693 florida    de soto
65  -82.21371 27.10090   303 12694 florida    de soto
66  -82.21371 27.19831   303 12695 florida    de soto
67  -82.15642 27.20403   303 12696 florida    de soto
68  -82.15642 27.24414   303 12697 florida    de soto
69  -82.05901 27.24987   303 12698 florida    de soto
70  -82.05901 27.33582   303 12699 florida    de soto
71  -81.56054 27.33582   303 12700 florida    de soto
72  -81.56627 27.03215   303 12701 florida    de soto
73  -81.57200 29.82245   345 14185 florida   st johns
74  -81.59492 29.90267   345 14186 florida   st johns
75  -81.58920 29.93704   345 14187 florida   st johns
76  -81.60065 29.96569   345 14188 florida   st johns
77  -81.66940 30.02299   345 14189 florida   st johns
78  -81.66940 30.04591   345 14190 florida   st johns
79  -81.66367 30.07456   345 14191 florida   st johns
80  -81.66367 30.09174   345 14192 florida   st johns
81  -81.66367 30.11466   345 14193 florida   st johns
82  -81.63503 30.11466   345 14194 florida   st johns
83  -81.62357 30.11466   345 14195 florida   st johns
84  -81.59492 30.11466   345 14196 florida   st johns
85  -81.55482 30.09748   345 14197 florida   st johns
86  -81.53762 30.09174   345 14198 florida   st johns
87  -81.53189 30.08601   345 14199 florida   st johns
88  -81.43449 30.08601   345 14200 florida   st johns
89  -81.42876 30.24644   345 14201 florida   st johns
90  -81.36574 30.24644   345 14202 florida   st johns
91  -81.35427 30.18915   345 14203 florida   st johns
92  -81.33136 30.09748   345 14204 florida   st johns
93  -81.29125 29.96569   345 14205 florida   st johns
94  -81.27979 29.91986   345 14206 florida   st johns
95  -81.29125 29.87975   345 14207 florida   st johns
96  -81.26833 29.86256   345 14208 florida   st johns
97  -81.25114 29.83391   345 14209 florida   st johns
98  -81.25114 29.78808   345 14210 florida   st johns
99  -81.24541 29.72505   345 14211 florida   st johns
100 -81.23396 29.70213   345 14212 florida   st johns
101 -81.21104 29.69067   345 14213 florida   st johns
102 -81.19958 29.67348   345 14214 florida   st johns
103 -81.19958 29.64484   345 14215 florida   st johns
104 -81.25114 29.65056   345 14216 florida   st johns
105 -81.29125 29.64484   345 14217 florida   st johns
106 -81.30844 29.65056   345 14218 florida   st johns
107 -81.31990 29.64484   345 14219 florida   st johns
108 -81.31417 29.62765   345 14220 florida   st johns
109 -81.52616 29.62192   345 14221 florida   st johns
110 -81.52616 29.75370   345 14222 florida   st johns
111 -81.53189 29.76516   345 14223 florida   st johns
112 -81.57200 29.82245   345 14224 florida   st johns
113 -80.33441 27.54781   346 14226 florida   st lucie
114 -80.32868 27.50770   346 14227 florida   st lucie
115 -80.32868 27.46760   346 14228 florida   st lucie
116 -80.31149 27.43322   346 14229 florida   st lucie
117 -80.27139 27.35301   346 14230 florida   st lucie
118 -80.24274 27.29571   346 14231 florida   st lucie
119 -80.21409 27.25560   346 14232 florida   st lucie
120 -80.28857 27.25560   346 14233 florida   st lucie
121 -80.28857 27.20403   346 14234 florida   st lucie
122 -80.67245 27.20403   346 14235 florida   st lucie
123 -80.67245 27.55354   346 14236 florida   st lucie
124 -80.33441 27.54781   346 14237 florida   st lucie

Not all the names match; so a touchup of subregion names is called for.

absent_21_c$subregion <- gsub("dade", "miami-dade", fixed = TRUE, absent_21_c$subregion)

absent_21_c$subregion <- gsub("desoto", "de soto", fixed = TRUE, absent_21_c$subregion)

absent_21_c$subregion <- gsub("st. johns", "st johns", fixed = TRUE, absent_21_c$subregion)

absent_21_c$subregion <- gsub("st. lucie", "st lucie", fixed = TRUE, absent_21_c$subregion)

Join Forces

Put the

map_d <- inner_join(fl_county, absent_21_c, by = "subregion") #join map data and educational data

Map Set Up

This is where I started to blindly follow. In essence, what this chunk is doing is setting up the parameters of the theme.

ditch_the_axes <- theme(
  axis.text = element_blank(),
  axis.line = element_blank(),
  axis.ticks = element_blank(),
  panel.border = element_blank(),
  panel.grid = element_blank(),
  axis.title = element_blank()
fl_abs <- fl_base + 
      geom_polygon(data = map_d, aes(fill = mean), color = "white") +
      geom_polygon(color = "black", fill = NA) +
      theme_bw() +


fl_abs_2 <- fl_abs + 
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(rainbow(7)),
                         breaks = c(2, 4, 10, 100, 1000, 10000),
                         trans = "log10")


Kevin is a nonprofit data professional operating out of Lakeland, Florida.
My expertise is helping nonprofits collect, manage and analyze their program data.